Saturday, August 9, 2008

Identical - 3 SG Configuration

Above images are for a 31antenna configuration for a rotation of 5, 55, 80 degrees respectively for a 10hour synthesis.

The antenna configuration is made of 3 identical SG configuration with 10antennas in each. The only difference is that the maximum baseline in each is 300m, 3000m & 30000m. One antenna is placed at the reference point (0.0, 0.0), hence, a total of 31 antennas are present in the configuration.

The results are way better than the previous simulations but not comparable to the GMRT coverage. I believe that I have found a solution to this problem too and I shall upload the new images if they are good.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Increased Baselines

Above image is for a 42antenna SG configuration which is rotated by 55degrees for a 10h synthesis.

To compare our results with the GMRT coverage, we extended the maximum baseline to around 4000m from the existing 15m. The results obtained were very surprising as heavy redundancy was observed which can be seen in above image.

We have a new plan to resolve this issue. I shall put up the results soon !