Above images are for a 31antenna configuration for a rotation of 5, 55, 80 degrees respectively for a 10hour synthesis.
The antenna configuration is made of 3 identical SG configuration with 10antennas in each. The only difference is that the maximum baseline in each is 300m, 3000m & 30000m. One antenna is placed at the reference point (0.0, 0.0), hence, a total of 31 antennas are present in the configuration.
The results are way better than the previous simulations but not comparable to the GMRT coverage. I believe that I have found a solution to this problem too and I shall upload the new images if they are good.
The results are way better than the previous simulations but not comparable to the GMRT coverage. I believe that I have found a solution to this problem too and I shall upload the new images if they are good.